- To Provide an institution or an institution to be run on the pattern of Gurukul or any other institution imparting education in Indian classical music both vocal and instrumental and for teaching fine arts and to this end buy land, construct buildings, provide facilities with fully equipped studios, auditorium, theatre and staying facilities.
- To promote Indian classical music, both vocal and instrumental, in the traditional Gurukul style by the imparting of lessons by teachers in Indian classical music, known as Guru to the disciples known as Shishyas, both in theory and practical.
- To promote the traditional art of painting (Oil and Water), drawing, sketch work, graphics, printing, sculpturing ( Metal and Stones), clay modeling, tracing, screen printing, embroidery, brocade work, handicraft and other faculties of fine art.
- To promote the playing of Indian Percussion like tabla, dholak, mridung, pakahvaj, khanjari, nagada etc.
- To promote the learning and playing of Indian musical instruments like Sitar, Sarod, Veena, Violin, Sarangi, Dilruba, Shehenai, Flute, Harmonium, Saxophone, Synthesizer, Bulbultarang etc. both in theory and practical.
- To provide necessary facilities to harness the potentialities of acting theatrical talent, direction, stage management, lighting, light effect, sound and other facilities required for the staging of dramas, one-act plays, monologues etc. and to promote theatrical groups, staging dramas and plays in India and abroad.
- To provide facilities in traditional Indian dancing like Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi style, Manipuri, Odissi, Kathak, Indian folk dance and other Indian styles of dancing.
- To arrange tours of the students of the institution run by the TRUST to give demonstrations of their skills in music, fine arts and other activities in India and abroad. Also to arrange tours, lectures, demonstrations and other such connected activities to foster the growth and understanding of Indian music and fine art and project, ultimately, the rich Indian heritage and culture.
- To provide facilities for public speaking and oration.
- To Promote Indian Culture and heritage through music and fine art, particularly to Sahaj Yogis, i.e. the followers of Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in India and abroad.
- To provide courses in the above faculties of vocal music, instrumental music, Indian percussion, fine arts, drama, dancing, oration, public speaking etc. for a period or periods of three months and above or such duration as the Board of Trustees may decide and to give certificates by giving grades to the students at the end of course.
- To provide education of all types including academic through schools and to run schools and colleges on the lines of schools and colleges run in India and to get affiliation for the various academic careers with the secondary education boards, universities and institutions by getting recognition to schools and colleges run by this Trust.
- To expedite the process of spiritual evolution by raising Kundalini, and ultimately giving self -realization through the process of music and fine art and to use music and fine art as media of communicating CHAITANYA, i.e. divine vibrations.
- To achieve the evolution described in the foregoing paragraph through the method of "Sahaj Yoga" which means effortless, easy, relaxed method of meditation evolved by Her Holiness Shri Mataji.
- To spread the news of the decent of the Divine Grace, with the help of self-realized disciples of Her Holiness Shri Mataji.
- To spread through Music and Art, the Sahaja Yoga message of Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Srivastava and to promote Her Vision of one united human family regardless of race, religion, nationality or culture, and further to provide every possible assistance to other organizations engaged in the advancement of the same message and vision through diverse activities.
- To cure people of their physical and mental ailments through music and fine art.
- To provide eternal joy and bliss to a seeker within himself through means of music and fine art.
- To provide meditative atmosphere by creating divine music and manifesting divine art which is necessary for the ascent of human beings.
- To create a new generation of self-realized people and to render motherly protection to all such children against evil intention and to look after their wellbeing.
- To build and run ashram of sadhakas for their use during sadhna and to promote all activities expressing the new dimension of creativity.
- To introduce this work in schools, colleges and other institutions and groups and to run schools for younger people.
- To improve the aesthetics of behaviour and beauty by holding exhibitions of art, culture and music.
- To provide energy and love which will replace hatred and jealousy, which are the main causes of disintegration and destruction of divine value systems.
- To publish magazines, periodicals, publishing an in-house magazine of the institution or any other news or information to connote the cultural heritage of India and the true dharma through this medium.
- To print, edit and publish journals, books, pamphlets, literature and to sell them to the general public written by Her Holiness Shree Mataji and Her disciples with Her approval for conveying the knowledge of truth so that the human beings, who are the highest in evolution, rise in their glory, dignity and freedom, as also for publishing the activities of the institutions run by the Trust.
- To hold press conferences, for explaining the activities of the institution established by the Trust.
- To build library of books, cassettes (audio and video), CDs, recorded albums and other means of storing of the classical music and fine arts created by the masters and pundits.
- To arrange concerts, programmes, seminars, conferences on music or of music and exhibitions of paintings, murals, to hold seminars of latest techniques of printing and lithography and discuss ways and means of incorporation of latest technologies in the institution.
- To raise and administer the “FUND of the TRUST” by receiving donations, subscriptions, fees, gifts of movable and immovable properties or money or any other assistance to fulfil the above objectives of the TRUST and to undertake various projects and raise funds for the same for fulfilling the above objective of the Trust.